Top 5 Natural Tooth Whitening Tips

There’s a large number of tooth whitening methods and products on the market today – everything from whitestrips to UV lights. However, a growing number of us are interested in using only natural tooth whitening products to produce the same effects as store-bought products. Thankfully, there is a number of you natural tooth whitening methods […]

The Risks of Dental Jewelry

Dental jewelry is very popular in a wide range of options such as teeth grills, oral piercings and tongue splitting. The trendy “bling” has been around for thousands of years in many different forms, but just because it is a common practice doesn’t mean it is safe, as dental jewelry can be hazardous to a […]

How does food affect dental health?

Food affects a person’s dental health a great deal. Teeth can be worn down simply from normal chewing of food. Fruit and fruit juices that have citric acid, like lemons and oranges as well as sodas and vinegar can cause the surface of the tooth to be worn away. The Bad Dental caries or cavities […]